May 252016

My husband and me are Subway Lovers. That is our favourite Sandwich place in the whole wide world. Every place I have been outside India I have had sandwiches from Subway. If we have subway in our city we tend to eat three to four times in a week there.  At the end of every meal I grab an Oatmeal Cookie for myself and eat it greedily. They are soo very addictive. I guess that is one reason for me to make a frequent visit there.

The other day I was craving for the Subway Oatmeal Cookie (we dont have a subway in hills bohooo :'( ) So I decided to hunt on the web for a recipe which is as close to Subway’s Oatmeal Cookies. After a few hit and trials and trying a few recipes, I think I hit a jackpot. This recipe from Aarthi’s blog was almost near to what I was looking for. I tweaked it a little to make it just PERFECT. You have to try it but dont blame me later that I dint warn you for they are soo addictive.


1. In a bowl add Flax Meal (Learn how to make Flax meal or Flax seed powder at home) and 3 tablespoon water. Let it sit for 5-7 minutes till it becomes gelatinous. You can always replace flax meal with an egg if you are okay with it.



2. In a bowl add Butter (at room temperature) and caster Sugar. Whisk them together until creamy. 



3. Add the gelatinous flax meal and combine.



4. Add Cinnamon Powder, Quick Cooking Oatmeal and baking soda.




5. Also add Whole wheat Flour or atta and Raisins. Combine everything into a dough.

6. Line a baking sheet with Parchment Paper or Silicon Mat. I use Silicon Mat because it can be used again and again and nothing sticks on it. You can order your own silicone cookie mat from our online store, The Gourmet Shop. Scoop out the cookie dough with an ice cream scooper or you can even use a normal spoon and place them on the tray. Ensure to keep 2 inch space between them, as they will spread on baking. 



7. Press each cookie ball with your palm and put them for baking in a preheated oven for 17-18 minutes  on 180 degree Celsius (Learn more about Oven Temperatures and Conversions) until you see them slightly golden. 

8. Take them out of the oven and let them sit on wire rack for ten minutes before indulging. They will crisp up as they come to room temperature.



9. Put them in an airtight cannister and they will stay good for more than a week, if only you can resist not eating them. Enjoy them with a cup of hot coffee or a glass of milk. You know for sure they are better than subway 🙂

Other Cookies you can try here are: Besan & Corn Flakes CookiesWhite Chocolate Chip Cookies , Ragi & Whole Wheat Biscuits, Coconut Chocolate CookiesPeanut Butter Cookies with Chocolate ChipsMelomakarona: Greek Traditional Christmas Cookies and Italian Almond Biscotti.



Subway Copycat Oatmeal Raisin Cookies | Eggless Oatmeal & Whole Wheat Cookies
Delicious Subway Copycat recipe of Oatmeal and Raisin Cookies.
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
20 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
20 min
  1. In a bowl add Flax Meal and 3 tablespoon water. Let it sit for 5-7 minutes till it becomes gelatinous. You can always replace flax meal with an egg if you are okay with it.
  2. In a bowl add Butter (at room temperature) and caster Sugar. Whisk them together until creamy.
  3. Add the gelatinous flax meal and combine.
  4. Add Cinnamon Powder, Quick Cooking Oatmeal and baking soda.
  5. Also add Whole wheat Flour or atta and Raisins. Combine everything into a dough.
  6. Line a baking sheet with Parchment Paper or Silicon Mat.Scoop out the cookie dough with an ice cream scooper or you can even use a normal spoon and place them on the tray. Ensure to keep 2 inch space between them, as they will spread on baking.
  7. Press each cookie ball with your palm and put them for baking in a preheated oven for 15-17 minutes on 180 degree Celsius until you see them slightly golden.
  8. Take them out of the oven and let them sit on wire rack for ten minutes before indulging. They will crisp up as they come to room temperature.
  9. Put them in an airtight cannister and they will stay good for more than a week, if only you can resist not eating them. Enjoy them with a cup of hot coffee or a glass of milk.
  1. You can also use Jaggery Powder or Brown Sugar.
  2. You can always replace flax meal with egg if you are an egg eater.
Adapted from Yummy Tummy
Adapted from Yummy Tummy
The Secret Ingredient


See also  Chocolate Coconut Cookies