Dec 172016


Christmas is around the corner and I am looking like a Santa Claus today, for I am wrapping energy bars for my cyclist husband. Since he started cycling on the mountain trails he has been obsessed with it. I am jealous that he spends more time with his cycle now than me ๐Ÿ˜› But I am also glad that he has found his true calling and enjoys this activity to the hilt. I have been making energy bars for him which are healthier and much more delicious than what you get packed from the stores.


When his last batch finished I made him a fresh one and thought to share this on my blog for all of you. What can be a better way to rejoice the holiday season by making healthy choices. These no bake granola bars are loaded with puffed amaranth, dry fruits, black currant, chia seeds, hemp seeds and peanut butter. I have used Organic Puffed Amaranth or Ramdana or Rajgira from SOS Organics. Amaranth is a good source of calcium, protein and amino acids and is rich in iron, magnesium and Vitamin A, B and C too. You can always buy it from our – The Gourmet Shop. If you have your own un puffed amaranth you can puff it yourself. Take a cast iron skillet or wok. Heat it so that it gets hot enough. Take 1 tsp of amaranth seeds and place it in the wok and let it sit for 5 seconds. Then cover it with a lid and toss it around. You should be able to get puffed amaranth. Don’t keep it for too long for they can burn very easily. It requires a bit of practice. Once you get a hang of it you can increase it to 1 tbsp at a time.


Most the recipes of energy bar go haywire because of the proportions. If you choose to substitute any one ingredient with another, for example you dont have hemp seeds, you can substitute it with pumpkin seeds or melon seeds but the quantity has to be the same. This is a foolproof recipe, just follow it to the ‘T’ and you will never ever indulge in store bought bars.  These are so delicious that my kiddo wants to eat them whole day long and I have no reasons to say no. 

See also  Mango Vanilla Cake | Fresh Mango Cake with Vanilla and Chocolate Collar


1.  In a bowl add puffed amaranth , dessicated unsweetened coconut and hemp seeds.




2. Also add sesame seeds and chia seeds.



3. In the same bowl add fresh zest of a lemon. Yes yes trust me! Its the most magical ingredient in this recipe.


4. Roughly chop Almonds, Pistachios, Cashews and Jother nuts you would like to add to the bar.  Also chop dark chocolate bar into chunks. Ignore if you are using chocolate nibbles. Set aside.



5. Grease a 8×8 inch baking tray with good quality parchment paper . Leave handles on the side to make it easy to remove from the pan. You can buy it here if you like.

6. In a saucepan add some honey and peanut butter. Just heat it up to make it loose and runny.



7. Once the honey and butter is melted turn the flame off and add vanilla essence to it and combine.

8. Add the melted honey and butter to the amaranth seed mix and combine using a spatula.

9. Add chopped nuts and black currants. Combine.



10. Lastly, add chopped chocolate and mix. You will get a tough mixture to work with but that’s how it should be.

11. Transfer the entire mixture the baking tray lines with parchment paper and even it out by pressing down with the help of a spatula. Let it sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to set.



12. Cut into desired shapes using a long knife.

13. Wrap them into individual packing using a food wrapping paper and store it in a cool place. This stays good for couple of weeks.

See also  Blueberry Cream Cheese Pound Cake

Other easy desserts you can try here are: Blueberry Jam BarsMediterranean Eggless Semolina CakeCoconut MacaroonsKhajoor Til Ke Laddoo




No Bake Amaranth Granola Bars | Gluten Free Healthy Energy Bars
Yields 20
Amaranth Granola Bars are a gluten free and grain free quick snacking option which gives yo instant energy. These Energy Bars are made with Puffed Amaranth, Desiccated Coconut, dry fruits, black currant, hemp seeds, chia seeds, honey and peanut butter.
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
20 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
20 min
  1. 1/2 cup puffed amaranth (about 1/4 cup unpuffed)
  2. 1 cup unsweetened desiccated coconut
  3. 1/4 cup hemp seeds or bhang seeds
  4. 1/4 cup chia seeds
  5. 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  6. 1/2 cup honey (or brown rice syrup if vegan)
  7. 1/2 cup peanut butter
  8. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  9. 2 teaspoons lemon zest
  10. 1/2 cup shelled pistachios+ Almonds, Cashews, chopped
  11. 1/2 cup dried Black currant
  12. 1/2 cup chopped dark chocolate or Chocolate chips (refrigerated)
  1. n a bowl add puffed amaranth , dessicated unsweetened coconut and hemp seeds.
  2. Also add sesame seeds and chia seeds.
  3. In the same bowl add fresh zest of a lemon. Yes yes trust me! Its the most magical ingredient in this recipe.
  4. Roughly chop Almonds, Pistachios, Cashews and other nuts you would like to add to the bar. Also chop dark chocolate bar into chunks. Ignore if you are using chocolate nibbles. Set aside.
  5. Grease a 8ร—8 inch baking tray with good quality parchment paper . Leave handles on the side to make it easy to remove from the pan.
  6. In a saucepan add some honey and peanut butter. Just heat it up to make it loose and runny.
  7. Once the honey and butter is melted turn the flame off and add vanilla essence to it and combine.
  8. Add the melted honey and butter to the amaranth seed mix and combine using a spatula.
  9. Add chopped nuts and black currants. Combine.
  10. Lastly, add chopped chocolate and mix. You will get a tough mixture to work with but thatโ€™s how it should be.
  11. Transfer the entire mixture the baking tray lines with parchment paper and even it out by pressing down with the help of a spatula. Let it sit in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to set.
  12. Cut into desired shapes using a long knife.
  13. Wrap them into individual packing using a food wrapping paper and store it in a cool place. This stays good for couple of weeks.
See also  Honey Dates Square - Historic Recipe | Vintage Honey Figs and Date Cake Squares Recipe with Gluten Free Flour
  1. You can use any nuts of your choice but the total measurement should be 1/2 cup
  2. You can substitute Black Currant with Raisins, dried cranberries, sultanas etc.but the total measurement should be 1/2 cup
  3. You can use combination of any seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, melon but they should not be less or more than 3/4 cups in total
  4. Peanut butter can be replaced by Almond butter , quantity remains the same.
Adapted from Making Thyme For Health
The Secret Ingredient