May 172015

Bublici_Russian Bagels
Some time back I had posted recipe of Classic Russian Borsch on my blog. I had also mentioned how my husband was fond of Bubliki, a Russian style Bagel during his early years in Russia. I wanted to make this bagel bread for him to unite him to his favourite childhood snack.

Bublici_Russian Bagels
I looked for recipes over the net and found that there is largely no basic difference between Bubliki and American Bagel. They are both made with boiled dough. Just that the Bubliki has much larger holes than bagels. Mine also ended up looking like American Bagels. Bubliki are also considered to be more denser and much chewier than bagels. But my husband enjoyed them to the fullest. I do not claim this to be an authentic recipe. But its much closer to the real one 😉


1. Take All Purpose Flour in a bowl and make well in the center.

2. Add Sugar and Instant yeast.



3. Pour Milk in the well.

4. Close the well by flicking flour on the surface of the milk.  Let it sit for one hour.

5. After an hour of resting add salt and butter.



6. Combine everything and knead into a soft dough. It should take good 15 minutes. The softness of bagels depends on this.

7. Cover the kneaded dough with a cling wrap and let it rest for 2 hours.


8. After two hours bring the dough on a non- floured surface and deflate. Knead again for 5 minutes.



9. Divide the dough into 10 equal size using a pastry scrapper or sharp knife.



10. Roll each part into seam less balls. Cover these balls under a lint free kitchen towel.



11. Poke a hole in each piece by pinching it through the middle with your thumb and first finger and then poke your finger through the hole and gently stretch out each piece from the center so that it is a circle.

12. The holes have to be made 4 cm in diameter because they have a tendency to stretch back and close. Therefore, they need to be stretched and placed on a slightly floured kitchen towel for 30 minutes before proceeding further. Do not forget to cover them from top.



13. In the meanwhile preheat your oven to 220 Degree C. (Learn more about Oven temperatures and Conversions).  Line a baking sheet with Oddy Uniwraps parchment paper. Also boil water in a large wide vessel. Place the bagels in water for thirty seconds. Do not over crowd the vessel.  




14. Remove them with  slotted spoon on a wire rack to drip off extra water. I placed them directly on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper and they got stuck on baking. I don’t want you to commit the same mistake.


15. Once the extra water is dripped off, place them on the parchment paper lined baking sheet and glaze them with eggwash and sprinkle them with poppy seeds and Sesame seeds. I made two batches one with either one of them.




16. Bake them in oven for 25-30 minutes or until you see them golden brown in colour. Cool them completely before indulging. Apply some butter and enjoy with your favourite cup of coffee or tea.

Other Russian Recipe you can try is Borsch, Russian Beetroot Soup.

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Bublici_Russian Bagels

Bubliki| Russian Bagels with Poppy and Sesame Seeds | Russian Boiled Buns
Yields 10
Delicious Russian Style Bagels tossed with Poppy and Sesame seeds
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
30 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
30 min
For the dough
  1. 400 g or 3 & 1/4 Cup All Purpose Flour
  2. 1 Cup or 250 g milk (heated to boiling point and allowed to cool down again)
  3. 2 g instant/4 g dry/8 g fresh yeast
  4. 1/2 tsp salt
  5. 3.5 tablespoons Sugar
  6. 50 g butter
For the glaze
  1. 1 egg beaten with a teaspoon of water
  2. Poppy seeds
  3. Sesame Seeds
  1. Take All Purpose Flour in a bowl and make well in the center.
  2. Add Sugar and Instant yeast.
  3. Pour Milk in the well.
  4. Close the well by flicking flour on the surface of the milk. Let it sit for one hour.
  5. After an hour of resting add salt and butter.
  6. Combine everything and knead into a soft dough. It should take good 15 minutes. The softness of bagels depends on this.
  7. Cover the kneaded dough with a cling wrap and let it rest for 2 hours.
  8. After two hours bring the dough on a non- floured surface and deflate. Knead again for 5 minutes.
  9. Divide the dough into 10 equal size using a pastry scrapper or sharp knife.
  10. Roll each part into seam less balls. Cover these balls under a lint free kitchen towel.
  11. Poke a hole in each piece by pinching it through the middle with your thumb and first finger and then poke your finger through the hole and gently stretch out each piece from the center so that it is a circle.
  12. The holes have to be made 4 cm in diameter because they have a tendency to stretch back and close. Therefore, they need to be stretched and placed on a slightly floured kitchen towel for 30 minutes before proceeding further. Do not forget to cover them from top. *
  13. In the meanwhile preheat your oven to 220 Degree C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Also boil water in a large wide vessel. Place the bagels in water for thirty seconds. Do not over crowd the vessel.
  14. Remove them with slotted spoon on a wire rack to drip off extra water. I placed them directly on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper and they got stuck on baking. I don’t want you to commit the same mistake.
  15. Once the extra water is dripped off, place them on the parchment paper lined baking sheet and glaze them with eggwash and sprinkle them with poppy seeds and Sesame seeds. I made two batches one with either one of them.
  16. Bake them in oven for 25-30 minutes or until you see them golden brown in colour. Cool them completely before indulging. Apply some butter and enjoy with your favourite cup of coffee or tea.
See also  Mango Tart with Vanilla Pastry Cream | Mango Tart with Creamy Custard
  1. *You can re stretch them if you find them closing the hole after waiting for 30 minutes.
Adapted from Virtuous Bread
Adapted from Virtuous Bread
The Secret Ingredient