Jul 242015



Baingan ka Bhartha or Charred Eggplant cooked with spices is a very popular dish from India. But other than this the Charred or stove roasted big Brinjals are used to make this incredible yogurt side dish. This dish was introduced to me by my mother and to her from her inlaws. Its native to Multan erstwhile Indian state and now in Pakistan. Since both the countries share the same culture, language and cuisine a lot of dishes are common. 

Its a fairly simple dish you need to simply roast the eggplants and remove its skin. Learn how to roast a brinjal on a stove top. Once the pulp is ready, it will take minutes to put this side dish together. I love this raita and its a common side dish in my native family. Baingan or Eggplant is also known as batau in punjabi belt.


1. Take pulp or flesh of Brinjal after being roasted. You can learn to roast them like this. Place the peeled eggplant in a blender.

2. Pour fresh Yogurt or curd on top. Along with Fresh Coriander leaves.



3. Add salt and red chili powder.



4. Also add roasted Cumin powder and ginger powder or saunth.



5. Close the lid of the blender and pulse for 5 -7 seconds until it combines well. Serve as a side dish with Aloo Gobhi, Aloo Methi , Tori Wadiyan and any other dry vegetable dish.

Other Raita dishes you can try on The Secret Ingredient are : Bathua ka Raita, Aloo Anaar ka Raita Purslane Yogurt Dip

You can even try Bharwan Baingan, Baingan Ka Bhartha , Baingan Bhaja and Baingan ka Salan.

See also  Kacchey Aam wali Dal | Green Mango cooked with Lentils



Baingan Ka Raita | Eggplant Yogurt Side Dish | Charred Aubergine Curd Dip
Serves 4
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Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
15 min
Prep Time
10 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 1 Large Brinjal, charred or roasted and skin peeled.
  2. 200g Fresh Yogurt or Curd
  3. 1/2 tsp Red Chili Powder
  4. Salt, to taste
  5. 1 tsp Roasted Cumin powder
  6. 1/2 tsp Dry Ginger powder or Saunth
  7. 1/4 Cup Coriander Leaves
  1. Take pulp or flesh of Brinjal after being roasted. You can learn to roast them like this. Place the peeled eggplant in a blender.
  2. Pour fresh Yogurt or curd on top. Along with Fresh Coriander leaves.
  3. Add salt and red chili powder.
  4. Also add roasted Cumin powder and ginger powder or saunth.
  5. Close the lid of the blender and pulse for 5 -7 seconds until it combines well.
  1. Coriander Leaves and Saunth bring out an incredible flavour, you wouldnt like to skip these two ingredients.
  2. In this raita Red chili taste way better than green chilies.
  3. Do not overmix the raita in the blender. The fine strings of brinjal taste better than a smooth raita.
Adapted from Mommy Dearest
Adapted from Mommy Dearest
The Secret Ingredient http://www.thesecretingredient.in/